
The KCN Library is a world-class academic library, an unparalleled resource for learning and research. The Library advances instruction, learning and research at the college by providing critical expertise, curated collections, digital collections and responsive technology and spaces in an environment of creativity and inclusivity. The Library is a dynamic physical, virtual and intellectual hub for furthering the academic mission of the College by developing collections and offering services which focus upon the curriculum needs of students, their research and scholarly needs and general knowledge for their current interests and their continuing education.
Coordinating with students, faculties, staff and members of the scholarly community, we foster and guide the creation, acquisition, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. The Library provides an atmosphere in which study and research can take place in a variety of comfortable environments appropriate to individual and group learning and instruction. We make sure that everyone feels comfortable and is getting the best services.
The expert hard working and dedicated staff serves to enable easy access to information in many formats and to instruct in the use of information resources. Our Librarians meet individually with students to assist with research, offer classes on finding and using library materials, how to use reference management software, how to generate bibliographies for their assignments and dissertations, create customized course guides and welcome suggestions for additions to the collections.
It is the Library’s goal to foster an awareness and appreciation of the intellectual and aesthetic pleasure and value in reading, research and the gathering of information. The users have access to computers and unrestricted high-speed WiFi. They also get connected to related disciplines and to College-wide teaching resources, new books, catalogues and institutional repository.
The KCN Library strives to provide students and users with a boundless array of materials and access to these materials hence it partners with other consortiums such as Malawi Library and Information Consortiums (MALICO) to enable effective access to knowledge and data through reputable journals, articles and other resources.
The Library extends services to KCN Alumni and other people in the community.